


6-10年级学生属于中学项目(MYP)。 我们的MYP课程框架包括八个学科组,旨在全面帮助学生打好基础,鼓励他们在学习和现实世界之间建立实际联系。  

10-11年级: DP

IBDP是一个具有很高学术标准的两年制课程体系,在11年级和12年级学习。IBDP项目的愿景是让学生进行全面的学术学习,并强调批判性思维、跨文化理解和尊重各种观点。 IBDP包括六个学科组和DP核心。 IBDP的优势是其学术的严密性和全面的课程体系,以及拓展论文、知识论、CAS项目等的额外学习。 IBDP文凭已经成为世界各地大学所接受和认可的入学资格之一。  


Matthew Kirk

“BIS的DP项目不断取得新的成绩,这让我很自豪;我更为我们努力挑战两年制DP学习的学生们感到自豪。这些学生通过DP分数和自身能力,获得了世界各地的大学录取通知书。 ”

Academic Subject Groups in the IB Diploma



所有科目分两个难度的学习:高级水平(HL)和标准水平(SL)。 HL和SL课程在范围上有所不同,但都是根据相同的等级描述来衡量的,期望学生在更高的水平上表现出更全面、更深入的知识、理解和技能。  


These courses offer a broad range of texts, and students grow to appreciate a language’s complexity, wealth and subtleties in a variety of contexts. Students take their studies in a language in which they are academically competent. Through studies in language and literature, the DP aims to develop a student's lifelong interest in language and literature, and a love for the richness of human expression.

At BIS we typically offer: Chinese Language and Literature, English Language and Literature and Korean Language and Literature in this subject group. We can also sometimes support students with other Group 1 subjects offered by the IB as School Supported Self Taught (SL Only).

The main emphasis of these language courses is on the acquisition and use of language in a range of contexts and for different purposes while, at the same time, promoting an understanding of another culture through the study of its language.

At BIS we typically offer: Chinese B/ab initio, English B or German ab initio in this subject group. We can also sometimes support students taking some other Group 2 subjects through Pamoja online

Studying any one of these subjects provides for the development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behaviour, the varieties of physical, economic and social environments that people inhabit and the history of social and cultural institutions.

In addition, each subject is designed to foster in our students the capacity to identify, to analyse critically and to evaluate theories, concepts and arguments relating to the nature and activities of individuals and societies.

At BIS we typically offer: Business and Management, Economics, Geography, History and Psychology in this subject group.

Students explore the concepts, theories, models and techniques that underpin each subject area and through these develop their understanding of the scientific method. A compulsory project (Group 4 Project) encourages students to appreciate the environmental, social and ethical implications of science. This is collaborative and interdisciplinary and provides an opportunity for students to explore scientific solutions to global questions.

At BIS we typically offer: Biology, Chemistry and Physics in this subject group.

IB DP Mathematics courses serve to accommodate the range of needs, interests and abilities of students, and to fulfill the requirements of various university and career aspirations.

The aims of these courses are to enable our students to develop mathematical knowledge, concepts and principles, develop logical, critical and creative thinking and employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalization.

Students are also encouraged to appreciate the international dimensions of Mathematics and the multiplicity of its cultural and historical perspectives. All DP mathematics courses require students to appreciate the use of technology in Mathematics and become proficient with graphic display calculators.

At BIS we typically offer: Mathematics (Analysis and Approaches) and Mathematics (Applications and Interpretation).

The subjects in the arts allow a high degree of adaptability to different cultural contexts. The emphasis is on creativity in the context of disciplined, practical research into the relevant genres.

In addition, each subject is designed to foster critical, reflective and informed practice, help students understand the dynamic and changing nature of the arts, explore the diversity of arts across time, place and cultures, and express themselves with confidence and competence.

At BIS we typically offer: Music and Visual Arts.


IB DP项目的“核心”是指三大重要的课程组成部分,是DP区别于其他课程体系的重要内容。

  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is central to the philosophy of the IB Diploma Programme. It offers students the opportunity to reflect critically on diverse ways of knowing and to consider the role of knowledge in their culture, the culture of others and in different subject areas. Students at BIS receive three TOK lessons each week in G11 and 12, building up to the IB required assessments of TOK Exhibition (at the end of G11) and the TOK Essay (completed by February of G12).
  • Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS). Through CAS, students can learn about themselves, about others and about the wider community as well as learning how to reflect on the knowledge and experiences they acquire. Uniquely, CAS pushes students to extend themselves into domains where they may have never ventured before. The CAS programme is designed to complement the academic programme and universities attach great importance to CAS participation as it is in this area that students can truly demonstrate their personal qualities and drive. Students must complete approximately 150 hours of CAS and meet seven CAS outcomes across the two years. There is an independent requirement to CAS, but students at BIS receive support in meeting the CAS outcomes through opportunities provided by Boston Explorers, Week Without Walls, Sports Teams, Student Council, International Day and various other leadership opportunities and academic competitions that we run as part of the BIS experience.
  • Extended Essay. Each student selects and investigates a topic of special interest about which they write a 4000 word ‘Extended Essay’. Emphasis is placed on the research process, on personal engagement in the exploration of the topic and on the development and the communication of their ideas. Students, teachers and universities attach great importance to this task because it provides practical preparation for the kind of undergraduate research required in higher education. Students at BIS will be supported throughout the research and writing period with advice and guidance from a subject specialist Extended Essay supervisor. At BIS, this process begins in Semester Two of Grade 11 and is completed by December of G12.


  • 时间管理和自我激励能力
  • 服务能力
  • 提升探究性学习能力
  • 调查和研究能力
  • 批判性思维能力
  • 国际视野 

During their time in the IB Diploma Program at BIS, students are encouraged to develop: 

  • time management skills and a strong sense of self-motivation 
  • a keen interest in service and personal engagement
  • increasing academic ability linked to inquiry
  • strong research and study skills
  • critical thinking abilities
  • an international outlook 