Dear Parents and students,
Welcome back to the new year to our returning parents and students and a warm hello and welcome to our new families and students. We are very proud that our student numbers have at the time of writing this welcome note hit 420 students!
The 2019/2020 School Year looms as an amazing opportunity for all of us at Boston International School (BIS) to raise the bar in the standards and practices we expect from all members of the BIS community.
Who we are? and What we stand for? at BIS will be a major focus on all of us as we move forward into the new school year.
All of our teachers and staff have returned, and we welcome new teachers and staff (over 25) into the team. The past two weeks the new staff and returning staff have participated in professional development as well as general induction into life in Wuxi and China.
This week all staff will be focusing on preparing and planning the new learning program for our students.
The BIS Residential program has begun with a starting student cohort of 20 Boarders.
Work has also commenced on the Swimming Pool and the resurfacing of the school oval to an artificial surface.
I personally welcome to our Executive Team Mr Brian Rotunno as Primary Principal overseeing the Early Years Program and Primary School program and Mr David Bremner PYP Coordinator who will support the PYP across the school.
BIS is family, we pride ourselves on looking out for each other and providing a safe and happy environment for students, staff and parents.
Please join us on Friday 9th August at the student orientation morning to introduce yourselves to your child’s new teacher for the year.
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you all on Friday.
Rob Stewart
Executive Principal
Please refer to below picture for Orientation Agenda.
New teachers have arrived at Wuxi before August. To help our new teachers get used to their new lives in China, BIS faculty and staff have guided them around the city and introduced a lot about Chinese culture and tradition.
New teachers are also busy with their their meeting and preparation for the new semester. Looking forward to a new school year with all our students and parents!