Boston International School is excited to offer its first-ever Summer Enrichment Program for both Elementary and Secondary students.
Elementary School
Ms. Sneha Mishra:
It has been an absolute honor to be in a position where I, along with my teaching assistant Andrew, can push and encourage these kids every single day to not only acquire a high-quality education but also have great fun in-and-out of the classroom. Personally, I have enjoyed teaching the mixed group of kids very much and have had an awesome time teaching in the classroom, let’s see what my teaching assistant has to say.
“This is a very special experience to me, as it is my very first-time teaching young kids in an educational manner. I have enjoyed my time with the kids throughout the ten days and I hope they feel the same”
– G10 Andrew
Every day in class we have something new to make sure that each child went home with new experiences. Students worked around two UOI themes namely ‘Sharing the Planet’ and ‘How the World Works’. In week 1, our teaching and learning was focused on living and non-living things. Students have learnt in great depth about plant structure and extinct animals and even going as far as to doing some field work in our school! Our second week of UOI was about the different cultures around the world. In times where acceptance and tolerance of diverse population is being tested, it is important to educate students on being respectful & open-minded to live in harmony, and peace.
Ms. Amy Darden:
Our unit of inquiry during summer school was Living Things. We spent the first 2 days discovering the differences between living, non-living, alive, and dead. We took pictures of many things we found on campus and sorted them into these groups. Once we understood what makes a thing living, we focused in on plants. We looked at the parts of a plant and their life cycle. We made leaf rubbings and experimented with getting plant color onto paper. Finally, our last six days were spent exploring animals and the ways we group them into categories. We learned the different characteristics of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects as well as their life cycles.
Each day we also spent time on literacy through the read aloud Mercy Watson to the Rescue and in reading centers where we read non-fiction texts, played with words, and read with a partner. Daily, we used problem solving skills in Maths where we worked with dice, 3D shapes, counters, and number lines to think critically. We learn about artist Romero Britto and his use of patterns. Then we made our own animal pattern art. By the last day, we had gained new knowledge, new friendships, and had a great learning experience.
Ms. Janine Bezuidenhout:
During the Summer Enrichment Program, PYP have had the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of the elements of Drama and how to build a dramatic performance from the ground up. Our lower-level PYP students have had the chance to engage in drama play and practice that help them understand the introductory theory of the elements of Drama, while the higher-level PYP students, some of whom have completed a year of Drama during the 2019/2020 academic year, had the opportunity to revisit the basic tenets of performance and the dramatic elements that inform a structured performance.
These higher-level students have put the theory into practice by developing their own reader’s theatre performances across the span of the these dedicated ten days. Focus has also been reiterated through text selections to focus the performance theory and topics that help develop understanding of cultures from all over the world.
Mr. Philip Henderson:
During the first, 5 days of Summer School, students in the Upper Primary have had the chance to dig deeper into their own cultures and what is important to a culture. Students have enjoyed the ability to create, form and develop their own country and culture. While learning through inquiry, students have had regular reading and writing sessions while developing their Maths problem-solving skills. Bob, Xavier and Bella (secondary students) have been helping in with our classes and their input has been amazing. The Upper Primary students have also enjoyed some daily PE lessons with Xavier from Grade 10.
Many linked their new countries flag, languages, foods, clothing and location to their own homeland and culture. Others took on a real mixture culture and developed a country with a real multicultural country. When creating the flag many students designed them with particular symbols, colours and shapes. When reflecting, children were challenged to justify and explain they used certain symbols and colours.
Secondary School
We set up four classes in both Math and Science enrichment programs for students in different levels and grades. The mathematics topics covered during the summer enrichment program for our four Math classes is Statistics, Probability and Geometry.
MYP students also had opportunities to build, maintain or improve their English skills in the summer through a variety of interactive learning activities, including speaking, reading, writing, and working on the convention to continue their English acquisition during the summertime.
Each day, students took part in the Daily Mile either out in the central quad or via the gym. The program finished on Saturday with a school-wide game of capture the flag. On the field, secondary students were able to play alongside their friends in elementary and with some of the staff in a fast-paced race, team vs team. We were also very happy to have some of our upper secondary students participate in volunteering.