Dear Parents:
I hope that this message finds all of you well. From the feedback that we have received, I believe that we have had a very successful first week of online learning. We’ve heard great stories about students filming their own videos, completing fitness circuits, designing menus and kites, as well as many other very interesting tasks that teachers have created. Please know that BIS appreciates the role that parents have played as well to assist and support students in the learning process.
Teachers are busy completing tasks for week 2 of online learning, and these should be sent to everyone by Monday morning. Our teachers have been able to use various online platforms to collaborate together and with their coordinators in order to provide excellent lessons for students. We want to encourage everyone to continue logging in every day to complete these assignments as well as providing feedback to the school- either through their SCL or through the admissions@bostonis.org email. This feedback helps to know what we are doing well and how we can improve in the future. We’ve already improved much of the delivery from week 1 based upon feedback that we’ve heard, and students should see some new strategies for online delivery in week 2.
In the meantime, please view the pictures and videos below from some of our students and the work that they are completing. If you have additions for next week, please also send those along to us as we celebrate learning all over the world!
With thanks,
Brian Rotunno
Academic Principal