New Semester Begins: Pursuing Dreams with Renewed Vigor
2024.10.08 Tuesday
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Protection against Internet rumors and gossip
2024.06.03 Monday
网络谣言不仅破坏社会秩序和信任还危害国家安全加强网络监管和法律制度的建设打击网络造谣、传谣的犯罪是保护社会稳定和公共利益的必要措施。 为净化网络环境,维护社会稳定,5月30日,无锡市公安局新吴分局国际科技园派出所民警深入无锡市波士顿外籍人才子女学校开展打击整治网络谣言宣传活动。活动中,民警通过发放宣传单、面对面讲解等方式,为学校教职工讲解了网络谣言的定义、类别、危害以及如何辨别网络谣言等相关知识,并结合实际案例,详细地讲解了编造散布网络谣言可能会承担的民事责任、行政违法责任和刑事责任,以及网络谣言对当事人及社会造成的危害,引导大家进一步树立正确的网络价值观和法治观念,增强网络自律和自我保护能力。 此次宣传,让无锡市波士顿外籍人才子女学校的教职工对网络谣言有了更清晰的认识,学会了如何识别和防范网络谣言,今后将积极参与到打击网络谣言的行动中,共同守护网络安全环境。
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Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on their University Offers!
2024.04.16 Tuesday
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WWW Huangshan Adventure | A Journey to the Heart of Anhui
2023.11.10 Friday
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Trick or Treats? Let’s Review the Fantastic Halloween Party!
2023.11.07 Tuesday
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The New Semester is Here | Dreams continue to move forward
2023.09.07 Thursday
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Success! BIS’s First TEDx Youth Talk
2023.05.15 Monday
We are thrilled to share with you the incredible success of BIS’s first-ever TEDx Youth talk held on May 6th! With a total of 22 brilliant student speakers, 2 proud parent speakers, and 1 amazing staff speaker, the event was a true showcase of the incredible talent and passion of BIS community. The speeches delivered by our
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BIS Student Council Receives National Award
2023.05.02 Tuesday
For its exemplary record of leadership, service and activities that improve the school and community, SLIC (Student Leadership Involvement and Inclusion Council) at Boston International School has been recognized as a 2023 National Council of Excellence by the National Student Council (NatStuCo). The NatStuCo program is supported by its parent organization, the National Association of
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Congratulations to BIS Graduating Class with University Offers!
2023.05.02 Tuesday
At this joyful time of year, we are thrilled to see that our students have won the best rewards for their hard work. With 30+ offers, students were granted a total of ¥2,600,000 in scholarships. BIS has seen piles of offers from the United States, Canadian, British, and Australian universities, and many of them
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