“The beauty of the IB is that it’s a global education community. All schools around the world face the same challenges, enjoy the same benefits and can connect with one another. “
As in an IB school, our teachers are always being a part of professional development, making sure of their expertise to deliver the IB programmes that prepare our students to be eligible global citizens. On Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd November our teachers were able to participate in IB workshops, part of the abundant professional development opportunities BIS offers every year.
Early Years & Elementary School
Concept Driven Learning
The workshops in Early Years and the Elementary School were led by John Osmar and Chandrei Choudhury, both highly experienced IB educators and workshop leaders.
Secondary School
Creating Authentic Units
Our Secondary School workshop sessions were led by Jesse Donnelly, who has led face to face workshops with BIS before and who now works in Cambodia, and by Martin Mathieson, an experienced IB teacher who works in Beijing.
In addition to IB workshops, our teachers have always and will continue to generate professional dialogue on these subjects in planning meetings and in our Teacher Inservice Program meetings. Boston International School is very pleased to be able to give our teachers such high quality opportunities for professional growth and values the input of all our teachers to the discussions.