June 17 marked the first Global Goals Day at BIS, a day on which we celebrate all the learning we have done about the Global Goals, the progress the school has made towards achieving them, and what we as individuals and as an organization aim to do next.
Students from our Elementary School and Secondary School are proud SDG supporters. They celebrated the year by reviewing their results in helping reduce food waste, using recycle materials, raising mini loans and combining what they have learned with the SDGs.
Play the video and see a small sample of the learning that has gone on with the Sustainable Development Goals!
BIS cares about the planet we live on and believes it is our great task to educate the young ones to aware the importance of all the 17 Global Goals. On Global Goals Day, students had the opportunity to pick up the goal that they care most about and joined a parade with the flags showing different goals.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were published by the United Nations in 2015, with the goal of making a difference to our planet and its people over 15 years by 2030. The vision of the Global Goals is to fight poverty, end inequality, and combat climate change. As a school, we recognize that our students can make small changes in their own lives and convince others to make changes that will help everyone work toward the goals. This change can snowball out to our teachers, or parents, and our community and BIS students can make a difference in lots of lives. We also recognize that using globally important issues like the Global Goals can make learning real and relatable to our students. Teachers can integrate the Global Goals to their classroom learning to make connections to real world problems in our community, or on a wider scale. Our students can use their learning and their ideas to start to make a difference.