Grade 11 is entering the last week of their first unit, titled, “Thoughts and Feelings”. In this unit we have endeavored to understand some major concepts including identity, representation and communication. Writer’s style, especially, has been focused on. Excerpts from Hamlet and Pride and Prejudice have been used. Cognitive science, specifically; “Theory of Mind”, has been introduced as a way to consider interpreting a multitude of texts, be they fiction or non-fiction.
This week, the students will be assigned their formative task for this unit. They have just finished studying their fourth and final writing style; the lyric poetry of Sappho, (1st century BC);
Her poetry style is said to be a precursor to many of the lyrics of today’s most popular and enduring songs.Students will be asked to write an essay, offering their interpretation and analysis of one of eight song lyrics provided to them. The ATL skills to be further developed for this task will be:Research Skills
Thinking Skills (Critical Thinking)
Communication Skills
I think they are quite excited for this task as they are able to appreciate the connection of ‘boring’ poetry to their 21st century outlook and perception. I am equally excited to read and see what my inquisitive students will present as their findings!