As one of the most popular English teaching methods throughout the world, Phonics is recognized as the most efficient way for children to develop language ability. Phonics is now also widely applied in schools among China. What is Phonics? What’s the difference between Phonics and a phonogram?
Today, we visited the Phonics classes in our Elementary School to have a better understanding about Phonics.
English only has 26 letters in the alphabet, so some graphemes are made up from more than one letter.
Some graphemes can represent more than one phoneme. For example, ch makes very different sounds in these three words: chip, school, chef.
Therefore, students who mastered Phonics can not only pronounce fluently and accurately, but also can guess the meaning of new words by decoding the words. This way, their efficiency in learning English reading and writing is greatly enhanced and their interests in reading is improved.
Phase 2 – The formal letter teaching begins. It starts with sounds that are most frequent in English, allowing them to build words quickly.
Phase 3 – Students will learn the remaining letter sounds.
Phase 4 – Focusing on segmenting and blending more complex words.
Phase 5 – Alternative graphemes and sounds are introduced. Split digraph and more non-decodable words are introduced.
Phase 6 – Developing reading fluency and spelling accuracy.
Our final goal is to develop students’ interest in reading and improve their ability in writing and speaking. Playing with phonics is an important tool in this process.