On the morning of Mar 9th, teaching staff and teaching assistants gathered in school for a day of Curriculum Review. They reviewed on the currently implemented IB program and strived to make improvements accordingly.
Teachers had their group discussions with respective divisional leaders.
EY and PYP teachers spend time on several different aspects of curriculum and school review. They reviewed their action plan and what they have accomplished since it was written in October 2018. Some amendments were made and others updated.
The group also reviewed some of the changes that will come in the enhanced PYP and how it will affect teaching and learning and the learning community at BIS. Finally, teachers worked on designing planners that will work best for both specialist and classroom teachers at BIS.
MYP and DP teachers read, reflected upon, and assessed current levels of implementation of the IB Program Standards and Practices (i.e., Philosophy, Organization, Curriculum). This important work will assist them in preparing for next school year’s IB Program Evaluation.
In addition, subject teachers worked on curriculum development (i.e., unit planning) in ManageBac.
As the exclusive IB authorized school in Wuxi, Boston International School will inevitably enhance its academic authority through the efforts of its faculty and staff.