Established in November 2020, the BIS orchestra has enthusiastically practiced for 7 months. They have accumulated a lot of stage experience during school activities on campus. This week witnessed their very first show outside of the school!
On Friday, May 28, the BIS orchestra gave two performances – one for the Xinwu Elementary School and another one in MixC.
Xinwu Elementary School
As the International Children’s Day is approaching, the orchestra students decided to share their craft with their young friends of Xinwu Elementary School. Led by the conductor Ms. Olga Grichshenko, they played several beautiful pieces of music.
All students and teachers from Xinwu Elementary School were immersed in the delightful melody and celebrated their Friday afternoon with the amazing performance.
Love Square of MixC
With the mild breeze of a lovely evening and the beautiful scenery along the Lihu Lake, our students were happy and proud to perform for the citizens. Their energy and love for music infected all the audience, winning loud applause.
The excited audience in turn triggered the members’ passion. They played several encore pieces till darkness fell.
The BIS orchestra is not a professional team – some students even have no experience with instruments before. But it is driven by a love for collective music-making. By participating in the orchestra, they have not only a bright life filled with joy, but also a unique opportunity to develop musical skills – technical, auditory, and the ability to play in an ensemble. In addition, they have learned that to be a musician is not only about being talented at playing an instrument, but also being able to touch someone’s heart. During the seven months of the orchestra’s existence, the students have grown in their techniques while also increased their self-esteem and self-confidence. They can’t wait to bring more beautiful artworks to the community soon!