BIS High School Graduation Program



Graduating from High School is associated with a range of positive life outcomes, from better employment and income prospects to better health and even life expectancy. At BIS we are proud to offer an internationally accredited, 4-year (G9-12) High School Graduation program. Aligned with our School Vision and Learner Outcomes, we have worked to create graduation requirements that are both rigorous and flexible and will meet the needs of all BIS learners as they prepare for their next steps in life.

  1. Students entering the programme in any Grade, would be expected to have completed 3 years of middle school education in a recognized government or private school. Home-Schooled students that have completed acceptable and recognized programmes will also be accepted.
  2. Students may transfer credits from previous educational experiences, for Grade 9 and 10.
  3. As a requirement of admission, students entering BIS in Grades 10 or 11 must supply copies of evidence of previous High School education (transcripts, School reports, exam certificates and so on).
  • The BIS High School Graduation Programme lasts 4 (four) academic years and contains a selection of core requirements and electives.
  • Grades 9 and 10 are the final two years of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) and credits are awarded based on scores using the MYP subject criteria. A ‘passing grade’ is typically a grade 3 or above (on the IB 7 points scale). This converts to a C grade on a US style letter grade system (2.0 average or better).
  • Students in Grade 10 will also need to satisfactorily complete the MYP Personal Project achieving an MYP grade of 3 or above. This is a requirement for Graduation with Honors.
  • In addition to IB MYP and DP courses, students will also have the opportunity to earn High School credit through AP classes and other BIS G11/12 High School classes.
  • There are two levels of High School Graduation at BIS: Foundation High School Graduation and High School Graduation with Honors.
  • All students (Foundation or Honors) are eligible to earn an Endorsement as part of their High School graduation (although this would typically be recommended for students on track to graduate with Honors).
  • BIS offers three endorsements: Arts & Humanities, Languages and STEM. Students will declare their intended endorsement (if any), with academic guidance, during Semester Two of Grade 9. This will be reviewed in Grade 10 and Grade 11 (transfer students, without suitable credits, may not be eligible for an endorsement).
  • Coordinator and College Counsellor support will be provided to help to ensure that students are on the most appropriate Graduation pathway for them.
  • A passing Semester grade (3 or above) in an MYP course or High School class will earn ONE academic credit per year (0.5 credits per Semester).
  • A passing Semester grade (3 or above) in an AP or DP course will earn TWO academic credits per year (ONE credit per Semester). SL and HL DP courses are worth the same credits (although will have a different US GPA conversion).

Students who wish to be considered for Graduation with Honors:

- must achieve a minimum of a grade 3 in all classes, including electives.

- will require a higher number of passing credits than Foundation Graduates in Subject Groups A-C.

- Should be registered to attempt either the full IB Diploma or at least 3 DP courses at the end of Grade 12, with teacher predicted grades of 3 or above in each subject.

-Must meet the additional, Non-Subject based Honors requirements (Requirement 1, 2 and 3).

  1. Academic Project/Research Essay Requirements:
  • G12 Extended Essay [Satisfactory passing requirement D or above]. ALL STUDENTS. The passing grade will be determined in January of Grade 12. A student who does not pass this by January of G12 will be offered a second sitting, with a March submission deadline. 1 Credit
  1. CAS/Service as Action- minimum 80Hrs across 4 years, with Reflective Journal and Supervisor Review requirements (in Managebac). 1 Credit
  2. 3. MYP Personal Project + Honors Project (in Grade 11) Honors Students only. 1 Credit.
  • It is expected that students will meet the Honors Project requirement through satisfactory completion and submission of both the TOK Exhibition AND the Group 4 Project by the end of Grade 11. MYP Personal Project (MYP Students only) [passing requirement = min 14/32, MYP score of a 3 or better].



(a) Total Number of Passing Credits required for Foundation High School Graduation = 24 passing credits or more from Grade 9-12 (as outlined above).                                                      24 credits =22 subject based +2 non-subject based.


(b) Total Number of Passing Credits required for High School Graduation with Honors = 30 passing credits or more from Grade 9-12 at Honors grade achievements (as outlined above).   30 credits=27 subject based +3 non-subject based.


  1. The student must be in good standing with the school in order to graduate. This includes: having an attendance of (minimum) 90% across the 4-year programme, school and examination fees are up to date, not permanently excluded from the school for any reason and meeting the credit requirements with the minimum passing grades.


  1. Entry points to the BIS High School Graduation pathway (with approved transfer credits, supported with previous accredited school reports/transcripts) are in Grade 9, 10 or 11 only.



Further Details Regarding Endorsements

Each endorsement will require 10 credits to be earned in specialist subject pathways. Students must not achieve less than a grade 4 in any semester in the endorsement Subject Groups. Students must take at least one subject in the endorsement subject group at IB Diploma HL.


  • Languages Endorsement
  1. Students must earn 6 credits from Subject Group A [English], with no grade less than a 4 (or equivalent for transfer students) across all eight Semesters.
  2. Students must earn 4 credits of additional languages (via Electives), with no Semester grade less than a 4 (or equivalent for transfer students).
  3. Must take (and achieve passing scores) at least 1 IB Diploma [HL] subject from IB Group 1 or Group 2.


  • Arts & Humanities Endorsement
  1. Students must earn 6 credits from Subject Group C [Individuals and Societies], with no grade less than a 4 (or equivalent for transfer students) in any semester.
  2. Students must earn 4 credits from Subject Group E [Visual and Performing Arts], with no grade less than a 4 (or equivalent for transfer students) in any semester.
  3. Must take at least (and achieve passing scores) 1 IB Diploma [HL] subject from IB Group 3 or Group 6.


  • STEM Endorsement
  1. Students must earn 10 credits from Subject Group B [Mathematics and Experimental Sciences], with no grade less than a 4 (or equivalent for transfer students) across all Semesters.
  2. Must take at least (and achieve passing scores) 1 IB Diploma [HL] subject from IB Group 4 or Group 5.





Credit Recovery

In most cases BIS students will use Keystone School Online for any Credit Recovery. The exact credit recovery course will be determined by the relevant subject teacher in coordination with the relevant Coordinator and will be notified to students and their parents via an Academic Action communication. The Credit Recovery course will typically be the one that aligns most closely with the depth of understanding and skills of the course taught at BIS. Students may not repeat the same course for credit recovery in a subsequent academic year.

(Minimum) Graduation Requirements per Subject Group


During their time in the IB Diploma Program at BIS, students are encouraged to develop: 

  • time management skills and a strong sense of self-motivation 
  • a keen interest in service and personal engagement
  • increasing academic ability linked to inquiry
  • strong research and study skills
  • critical thinking abilities
  • an international outlook