Boston International School is proudly to announce our D2 student Ruoming has received 5 offers from the following Universities! As universities all over the world all have different enrollment time frame, let’s wait for more to come!
Fordham University
Binghamton University (SUNY) – with Provost’s scholarship
Penn State University
University of Pittsburgh
Rutgers University at Camden
Ruoming’s Story
Born into a bilingual family, with parents who speak both Chinese and English, I started learning both languages from birth. As I got older and came into contact with more international cultures, my interest in languages and communication has continuously grown. Through the process of learning languages, it allowed me to learn and understand more about their customs, mannerisms, and culture as well. In an ever-changing society and world undergoing globalization, we see more and more the merging of cultures, beliefs, and values and the increased need for understanding between people. The world seems to be getting bigger, but in reality, we are becoming more and more connected daily. My experience of being in a multicultural environment has enabled me to look upon the world in a more open-minded manner, and has also led me to study communication in colleges.
Besides communication, I have also applied majors in design, business, psychology, and even a dual major in Arts & Science/business. Being influenced by my father who worked as a design educator, I’ve had constant exposure to the principles and concepts of design since childhood, and realized a close connection between design and communication. While studying communication may help me better understand people, design enriches people’s lives through understanding of them, solving problems for them and advocating their respected values. Similarly, psychology is also about understanding people, while business is about satisfying peoples’ economic values. My choice to apply for such a range of majors is partially influenced from my diverse interests in different subjects. At the same time, an IB education has taught me to observe the world holistically and humanistically. I believe that these disciplines are connected with each other as they are all developed to address human issues or build our understanding of science and nature with humanistic view of the world.
Besides studying, I have been very active in sports, taken part in the school band, MUN and various community activities. Apart from these in-school activities, I have also participated and served as a volunteer in several international design conferences, and joined multiple club and research activities organized by Jiangnan University students. One of the most meaningful and memorable extra curricula activities I have participated in is in a research and design project, led by my father, to support Mr. Yuan Shuhua, a Hong Kong entrepreneur’s desert reforestation in the Tengger Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. The team tried to bring design thinking into the effort of reforestation, and to help people understand the need of nurturing a suitable social environment that coexist with the reformed desert. I have had the chance to continue my engagement after the two-month summer project, since my father decided to join Mr. Yuan’s desert project. It has been a great experience to be able to see the unbelievable transformation of the desert, and to feel proud of being part of it. It is true that extra curricula may take lots of time; however, it is a great way for us to be connected with each other, to understand how learning applies to real life situations, to appreciate team work, and most importantly for me to enjoy the things that make me happy.
Throughout the college application process, Boston International School offered me a lot of advice and professional guidance for college study. Academically, teachers in various subjects helped me a lot, not only in the areas of knowleadge I learned in class, but also the extented information of the subject used outside the classroom. In addition, BIS has organized various of activities, such as the recent ACAMIS tournament and so on, that all have taught me not to give up facing difficulties and what it truly means by teamwork. I started in previously known Taihu International School (TIS) and am finishing my high school at Boston International School (BIS), there are many great memories of great people, our teachers, supporting staff, guards, janitors, and so on. Watching how everyone is recognized at new year’s parties, end of the year shows, and other important events, it not only has helped me understand how students are well taken care of, but also demonstrates what a great community it is, and reflects important principles of IB education, open-minded and caring.
Thank you, BIS!