As an international school, BIS is a large multi-culture community with students from all kinds of language background. While BIS keeps English as the major teaching and communicating language on campus, the school also provides a strong and comprehensive language support.
English Language Learner Program
For many non-native speaking students, one of the challenges they are facing when studying in an international school is language. Especially when studying in an IB school, the curriculum itself is challenging enough, while students will also have to devote much of their energy into English language learning.
As the ONLY IB Continuum School in Wuxi, one of the academic highlights of Boston International School is its unique English Learner Program. Our ELL Program is equipped with following strengths:
- At Boston International School, we provide ELL support for students from EY4 to G10. With both “pull out” and “push in” support, we utilize multiple internationally recognized testing tools that are aimed at helping teachers identify and focus on individual student needs.
- Primary School is running a Phonic Program. With both Phonics and ELL program, students are able to learn English language from a wide perspective.
- In Secondary School, ELL program is designed and developed based on students’ curriculum, which smoothly prepare students for future curriculum learning.
- ELL students will receive their detailed report at the end of each phase. Meanwhile, all students at BIS will attend New Group Reading Test each semester to test their English language level.
- We also provide ELL clubs in B.E. Program as extra-curriculum activities.
Mother Tongue
As an international school, we fully respect all kinds of culture and language background of students from all around the world. We encourage students to learn their mother tongues and traditional cultures.
- BIS offers mother tongue courses of English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French and German. All teachers are native speakers.
- Students are able to enhance the level of reading, writing and presenting knowledge of their motherland.
To help cultivate a more international minded and multilingual learning environment for students, we organize all kinds of culture events in and out of the campus every semester.
World Language
Learning a second and even third language is a great way for students to learn different cultures, which helps them understand, respect and embrace a world of multi-culture.
- BIS offers world language courses of Korean, Japanese, French and German as second and third languages for students from G6.
- We promote a learning environment where bilingualism and multilingualism will be valued and thrive to help develop students as global citizens and increase their future opportunities in life.
- A annual International Day is held on campus where students proudly show their culture, national clothes and food to everyone.
Chinese language has always been a highlight in our education system as we cherish the culture of our host country.
- Chinese Language program in Boston International School is dedicated to integrating IB philosophy and framework with high-quality local education resources.
- We open Chinese classes to students from EY to DP and group students according to their Chinese language level.
- In various kinds of culture activities the school launched, students have great opportunities to learn more about Chinese culture by taking part in traditional festivals, making Chinese cuisines, practicing Chinese Kongfu and even Dragon Dance.
- Students also have chances to participate in events organized by local communities, including Chinese competition for foreigners and writing competition for native speakers.
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