Middle School





Laura Ward

“在波士顿国际学校,我们为学生提供在安全、有趣的环境中克服挑战的工具。 ”


The MYP English programme is a vertically aligned syllabus provided by Springboard that encourages all students in grades 6-10 to develop and refine skills in critical thinking, close reading, writing in various genres, and doing research. 

Over the course of the programme, they read and analyze a wide range of texts in genres including poetry, novels, plays, biographies, nonfiction narratives, speeches, and films. They also learn to write in forms including essays, personal narratives, argumentative texts such as editorials, and research papers.

The MYPMaths course is designed to encourage students to apply their mathematical knowledge in solving abstract problems as well as those set in a variety of meaningful contexts. 

In grade 6 to 8 general maths such as numbers skills, algebra , shape and measurements, and statistics are focused onIn grade 9 and 10, students take Algebra, and Geometry as designed by TEKS curriculum. The course recognizes the need for analytical expertise in a world where innovation is increasingly dependent on a deep understanding of mathematics. The focus is on developing important mathematical concepts in a comprehensible, coherent and rigorous way, achieved by a carefully balanced approach. 

The MYP curriculum is designed with the aim of opening the door of discovery and fostering a lifelong interest in seeking the truth about our world. We cover many topics from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth Science in order to give students the broadest knowledge base. Scientific Inquiry skills pervade every topic as the students learn to manipulate variables and perform safe and valid investigations. 

MYP students have a wide variety of I&S courses to choose from. For students who want the challenge of a college level class, we offer AP World History and AP Human Geography, where students are able to earn university credits in Grade 9 and 10. For students who require English support, we offer differentiated classes with appropriate linguistic scaffolding. BIS follows the Texas State Standards and offers unique courses such as Model United Nations, Business/Economics/Entrepreneurship, and Speech & Debate. The wide array of options can meet the needs of all students to prepare them for the DP and tertiary education. 

在MYP项目中,学生有很多机会在IB框架内学习新的语言以及他们的母语。 母语教学方面,我们提供德语、日语、韩语和中文;第二外语方面,提供法语、德语、日语和中文。  


我们的MYP艺术项目为学生提供了美术、戏剧和音乐课程。 学生们以一种挑战他们创造力和文化界限的方式创造和学习。我们强调学生的协作和解决问题的能力,从而确保他们的整体学习。  

我们的设计课程带领学生在各种环境中完成设计循环。这个循环让学生学习如何创造应对挑战的解决方案。 这些挑战是学生在真实情境中遇到的,并通过探究、思考、创造和评估的过程来解决。  

波士顿国际学校为英文为非母语的学生提供英文语言学习项目。该项目的目标是通过提供专业的英语语言教学,提高非母语学生的英语能力。 此外,该项目旨在培养学生在其他学科领域所需要的必要的听说读写技能。 我们通过英语语言能力测试来确定学生是否需要学习该项目,以及何时完成该项目的学习。 所有的教学都由专业教师教授英语,并辅助所有年级学术内容领域的学习。
