Week Around Wuxi
Some of the activities that students experienced during the week at school, are cooking and craft classes. They also partook in Tabloid sports and water sports. The students from KG-G3 also had a sleepover at school. This was a great evening for teachers and students alike, especially as for some students it was their first sleepover.
Beyond campus, students went to Oriental Champ for a day of candle making, cooking, animal feeding and so much more. They also had an opportunity to go to Huishan Historical Town, to learn calligraphy and clay figurines. The last trip saw them go to Jinqui Park. All these day trips were a way for students to learn beyond the borders of the classroom and to have fun.
Week Without Wall
The G7-G8 adventure was themed “Resilience and Challenge.” Student formed mixed groups in order to meet challenges such as building stable rafts and human sized F1 style racing cars, complete high-rope tree top challenges, take on the Leave No Trace nature hike, kayak along a lake, and build a Rube Goldberg Super Roller Coaster. A lot of team building and learning to grow healthy effective communities.
Both groups also spent one night tent camping in nature furthering opportunities to cooperate and care for one another through insightful conversations, cooking together, and developing community.
Week Without Wifi
Through the week of WAW and WWW, students engaged in experiential learning by taking part in service, action, communication or investigation, which aligns with the IB philosophy. At BIS, we inspire and cultivate students into responsible global citizens.