On the morning of May.29th, 2021 the BIS International Volunteer Service Project entitled ‘World Travel without Boundaries’ went for the 2nd session of Travel in Oceania. BIS International Volunteers shared a complete picture about Amazing Oceania by introducing culture, food, customs, landmarks, movies, sports with a PPT presentation from both adults and kids’ perspective. They also shared Oceanian food and organized students to have a group sports competition.
BIS Academic Principal Mr. Brian Rotunno led the international volunteer team and shared his perspective about international mindset in his welcome speech. The volunteer team was made up of BIS international teachers and students from Australia and New Zealand, and members of BIS local supporting team. This session was especially open to the students whose parents work in the main foreign enterprises in Wuxi eg. Panasonic, Seagate, AstraZeneca, Murata, UBS, Hitech (joined venture with Hynix), etc. They enjoyed the event accompanied by their parents who gave very positive feedback about the event.
The International Volunteer Service Projects was initiated by Wuxi WND Government with the purpose to gather social volunteers in all walks of life to provide a common platform to build a caring society and improve the life qualify for all people in the community. The projects cover multiple themes and are sponsored by WND leading World Top 500 enterprises like Hynix, Sony, Panasonic, and other key social organizations in WND like Boston International School.
BIS Academic Principal Mr. Brian Rotunno gave an opening speech on the event.
BIS Primary Teacher Mr. Brain Wallace from Australia gave an introduction about Australia.
SEN Teacher Mrs. Rebekah Wallace from Australia gave an introduction about Movie in Australia.
BIS Students Elli from G5 and Emma from G2 shared their Childhood in Australia.
BIS staff Ms. Jane Ma who once studied and lived in Austria for many years shared her perspective about Australia to show the cultural differences between China and Australia.
BIS Primary Teacher Ms. Kate Dore from New Zealand gave an introduction about New Zealand and Sports in Oceania.
A lot of fun on the sports group competition.
Congrats! Students won the group champion and individual champion in the event.
The 2021 BIS International Volunteer Service Project is themed ‘World Travel without Boundaries’ and is a series of activities with sessions across the main continents of the World. International Volunteers from the BIS community will introduce their own countries (or countries they once traveled) to local students (aged from 6-13) and their families to broaden their view and enrich their knowledge. As an international school whose community members are from more than 26 countries around the world, BIS takes the social responsibility of being a liaison to promote international culture communication and exchange. This project is to take full advantage of BIS international community to contribute to local community.
Let’s review the first session – Travel in Asia!