Ross Gibson

Community Project Coordinator

The Grade 8 IB MYP Community Project is a key part of our curriculum, designed to empower students to engage with their communities and make a meaningful impact. This student-driven project allows each learner to identify a community issue—whether local or global—and take action to address it. From organizing environmental initiatives to raising awareness on social issues, the possibilities are endless.

Through the Community Project, students develop essential skills like research, time management, and teamwork, while also fostering a sense of global citizenship. They’ll be guided by a supervisor, maintain a process journal, and present their findings at the end of the project.

This experience not only enhances academic growth but also connects students to the real world, encouraging them to pursue their passions and make a positive difference. We’re excited to see the creative and impactful projects our Grade 8 students will undertake!


Yoko Harada

Personal Project Coordinator

Learning about new IB guideline and growing together with students through this Personal Project has been a great journey for all of us. I strongly believe that the ATL skills students developed will impact the students' future positively in many ways. 

This academic year, sixteen Grade 10 students have completed the rite of passage known as the MYP Personal Project which provides an opportunity for students to undertake an independent and age-appropriate exploration into an area of personal interest. Through the process of inquiry, action and reflection, students developed to demonstrate and strengthen their ATL skills by making their final product/outcome and writing 15-page long report.


Summer Sheng

CAS Coordinator

“You must give time to your fellow man – even if it’s a little thing, do something for others – something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.”

Starting in Grade 11, BIS students take part in different service projects in the three fields of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS). CAS is central to the philosophy of the IB Diploma program and enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning. It fosters the student’s awareness and appreciation of life beyond the academic arena.

During their time in the IB Diploma Program at BIS, students are encouraged to develop: 

  • time management skills and a strong sense of self-motivation 
  • a keen interest in service and personal engagement
  • increasing academic ability linked to inquiry
  • strong research and study skills
  • critical thinking abilities
  • an international outlook