We have also spotlighted the work of a few of our teachers below and their thoughts about the online learning. We would invite you to view this as a way to see the preparation and planning that is going into students’ learning.
Finally, we would invite you to review previous notices from the school regarding the continuation of online classes and support as well as preparations being made for the school re-opening.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us as you have questions.
In partnership,
Brian Rotunno
Academic Principal
Primary Teacher
This week we sent our home learning menu in a new format. The calendar viewgives students a suggested weekly timetable of what to do when. The new easy to follow format simply allows students to simply click on a link which will then open the relevant document. Uploading videos to both YouTube and Youku allow videos to be streamed both inside and outside of China. Splitting the tasks intoMust Do, Should Do and Can Do sections allows students to prioritise their work.
Each week teachers are coming up with new and innovative ways of interacting with students. Microsoft Teams is proving to be a very valuable platform with which to communicate. Students can read and contribute to whole class discussions, as well as have private group chats with their teacher and other students.
This week in English we explored the story Misery Moo. Students watched a video of the story being read to them and were able to read along. There were many points throughout the video where students were instructed to pause the video and refer to an accompanying activity sheet where they needed to answer comprehension-based questions related to what they had just read and heard.
We continued exploring Values in our UOI lessons this week. Great ideas start with a question, so students were thinking critically about their core values and creating open ended questions. Students then posted their questions into a discussion thread on Teams and had the opportunity to read, think critically and then reply to questions that other students posted.
Elapsed time was the topic covered in math this week. Students watched a series of short videos explaining elapsed time and were given strategies for calculating elapsed time. Students then had activities they needed to complete and IXL levels to work on.
It is nice engaging with students individually and in groups over video calls and hearing about what they are doing to stay healthy and active. It is encouraging to see parents interacting with their children’s home learning. The quality of work being produced by students is very high and it is interesting to see the large number of students have really embraced their home learning. Keep up the great work everyone!
Secondary Teacher
Entrepreneurship Design
As we have been stuck at home for weeks, we couldn’t go out for hotpot, Sichuan dishes, dessert or just simply gather together with school friends. Our bodies desire good delicious food meanwhile our hearts need some soul food too. We would like to do something different at this special time. Our Entrepreneurship Design class is focusing on the project of corporate social responsibility. We care for our school friends’ mental well-being so much. If you receive a personalized greeting card from a secret friend don’t be surprised, just pamper yourself with the caring and love.
Business Class