Message from Academic Principal
We are now starting week 6 of our online learning learning for students. With this, Boston International School would like to provide all of you with a few quick updates:
· Many students in the Early Years and Primary will soon be looking at finishing their Unit of Inquiry over the next couple of weeks. Please encourage your children to complete their summative assessments as assigned by their teachers as we look to move onto our next Unit of Inquiry.
· Students in grade 10 should be focusing on their MYP Personal Project as well as online work for IGCSE/AP subjects. This will continue to prepare them for exams later in the year.
We are continuing to monitor the situation and share reports as we receive information. Please continue to check email/WeChat accounts for updated information. We are also thankful for everyone who took time to fill out the survey last week about online learning; this will help us to continue shaping the online learning experiences for students moving forward.
As always, please continue to reach out as you have questions or concerns.
In partnership,
Brian Rotunno
Academic Principal
Primary Teacher
I cannot say that this new way of learning has not been a challenge. However, I think the students, parents, and staff have all worked very hard to make the best out of this situation. We are very blessed in that the school had already purchased several online platforms for the students to access. Assigning the students specific work to do on IXL, SpellingCity, and Raz Kids, gave us a week to figure out how to create meaningful and relevant lessons for students to complete at home. It has been challenging, but in many ways, I think it has made us better teachers.
When we began the Chinese New Year, we still had one more week to complete our third unit of inquiry, ‘Needs and Wants.’ So, we began our online learning with the students completing their summative assessments. For this assignment, they created a collage of all the things they need to keep themselves healthy, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
When we learned that home learning was going to go on for an indefinite amount of time, we met together to create a plan for our next unit of study: Stories Through Arts. Through this unit, we read several fairytales and reviewed story elements through different art forms. Based on the fairytales we read, the students wrote poems, created 3D models, drew pictures, and made puppets. Through all these activities the students were able to demonstrate an understanding of rhyming words as well as characters and settings.
We also used the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to delve into our science standards about plants. The students planted a bean and observed the different parts as it grew. They collected different leaves to compare. They also did leaf rubbings and learned the parts of a leaf. In science, we have also been discussing the weather. The students have been tracking the daily weather and what they observe happening in the sky.
In math, we have weaved the concept of stories through learning about time. Students have been learning about analog and digital clocks. Many have created their own clocks or drawn these into math story problems to explain the story of their daily schedule.
Several of our P1 students took part in Mr. Bremner’s writing challenge. I found that they really took time with their writing and followed the writing process that he laid out for them. I was very proud of the work they were producing. They wrote in complete sentences, used transition words, and had great flow in their finished products. One student even turned his story into a book with a front and back cover.
Although this has been a challenging time, the students, the parents, and the teachers have all worked together to help create an enriching learning experience. The parents have been amazing through this whole time. They have worked so hard to help their children stay focused and complete well thought out assignments. When completed, the parents have been sending photos and videos so we can see their child’s work and provide feedback. I am just so thankful for all they have done. This online learning platform could not be as successful as it is without them.
Secondary Teacher
Grade 6 Japanese Phase I
- Learning Katakana words (foreign words) for the first time after learning Hiragana in the first semester.
- I created Power Point Slides with pictures and embedded the sound into the slides so students can practice the Katakana sounds by listening and the pictures helps.
- I added some culturalaspect in each country so students can learn something difference about the cultures in the world.
- Watch PPT slide
- Listen to the audio embedded to PPT and 20 practice Katakana foreign words a day
- After enough practice, record their Katakana words online using https://online-voice-recorder.com/
- Save their sound as MP3 file and submit on Managebac
I think it can help me understand Japanese Katakana words by listening, and I can also learn the world culture and gain knowledge from Sensei’s pictures.
Grade 6 Sarah Xiujin commented