ManageBac and its linked OpenApply platform are now the official and the key integrated curriculum platform that BIS is officially using.
The following screenshots are posted to help you use Managebac.
When you receive this mail, you can click the link and will be directed to a website to set your password. The password should be minimum 6 characters. After you set the password, you can sign in your account with your email and password.
If you need to access ManageBac on your iPad, iPhone, or Android phone, you can download the ManageBac App from App store or Google Play store.
View ManageBac as a parent
This allows you to select which child you wish to view if you have more than one child registered on ManageBac. Once you have selected a child, you will see an overview of their classes and last completed task.
Note: If you have a child that you are not connected to on ManageBac, please contact your school’s administration team directly to be correctly linked.
When you first click into the Academics tab you will see our Achievement tracker which provides an overview of your child’s Classes, attendance in each class and the most recent completed task and assessment.
It is possible to click into each individual class to get a snapshot of the curriculum in action.
1. At-a-glance: Top-menu navigation displays a students class attendance, the current unit of inquiry , and the last completed task.
2. Unit details: Explore the various dimensions of IB curricula and view which units are being taught. See how each unit of work incorporates Key Concepts, Learner Profile, and ATL Skills and key components of any year group, e.g.Service Learning or TOK.
4. Assessment: View task / assignment grades left by the teacher.
Click on the Portfolio > Files tab to view work that your child has uploaded to their classes or programme components.
You can also react to messages and items on your student’s Portfolio > Timeline or post Messages to items if the school has granted parents that permission.
The Calendar tab lets you see your child’s academic and activity dates in calendar form.
This is where you can see the personal details of your child.
The Messages tab shows the messages written by teachers and students in each of your child’s classes. Parents can view messages and file attachments but are unable to add comments or post messages here.
If your school is using ManageBac back for Attendance, click the Timetables tab to view your child’s class attendance records. Click Download PDF to get a PDF export of your child’s class timetable. You can also click to Submit Excusals for absent excusals directly on this page.
The Attendance tab shows the attendance information for your child and details how many absences he or she has. It is also possible to submit an Attendance Excusal via the ‘Submit Attendance Excusal icon.
If your school is using ManageBac for reports, click on the Reports tab to obtain a PDF export of your child’s report card.
Your Profile
Click Your Name at the top of the page to change your e-mail and password.
Updating your UI Language
Via Your Name
Once you have logged in successfully, you can update your UI Language by clicking on your name.
Via Your Profile
Under UI Language you can set your user interface language. Select from either English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Chinese (Simplified or Traditional) or Japanese. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page to finish.
Once the page refreshes, your main menu and page content will display in the language of your choice.