On Thursday 7th January, Grade 2 braved the cold weather and had a sleepover in school. The purpose of the sleepover was to build friendships in the class, and also to learn more about part of our school community: our boarding students. The Grade 2 students transformed their classrooms into a space for sleeping, with the boys in Mr. Wallace’s room, and the girls in Ms. Darden’s room.
After school, the students had a chance to establish their essential agreements for the sleepover, and then went on a hunt for suitable sticks for marshmallow cooking later in the evening. The students got to tour the boarding facilities, meet the boarding students, and ask them questions about what it is like to live on campus during the week. They had a nice dinner together, talking and telling stories.
After dinner, the Grade 2 students went to the gym to play flashlight tag in the dark, which they all enjoyed. Because the weather was so cold, they abandoned their plan for a bonfire, and instead cooked marshmallows on camping stoves in the elementary building, and Ms. Darden taught them how to make s’mores. The children were all in bed by 9pm. All the children had a wonderful time, talking happily about the experience to all their teachers the next day.