Foreign Teachers Interview: How are You Doing in Wuxi or Outside China?
As an international school, Boston International School enjoys a faculty of more than 70 foreign teachers from over 10 different countries around the world.
Given current situation of Coronavirus breakout, most of them choose to stay in China instead of going back home. So far, about 70% of our foreign teachers and their families are staying in Wuxi.
They are all very positive and confident in Chinese government. We still have some teachers stranded in their home countries due to government regulations, who also care much about our school and hope to be back in Wuxi as soon as possible. They overcame the time lags to keep contact with students and parents.
During the past week, we have interviewed some teachers about their thoughts and suggestions to parents and students. Hope their experiences can help all of us.
We are in Changchun, in North East China.
I think the most important advice is to put things in to perspective. For me (and I’m sure for most people) the biggest issue has not been the virus, but the effect of closures of services, malls, and shops as well as the general difficulty and requirements of of living in China at this time.
My advice to families and students is to try to get something positive out this situation, learn something new, start some exercise (Tai Chi perhaps), read a book or watch some movies. Keep in contact with family outside of China, as they will worry based on watching their News channels and media.
Students….remember to focus on your assigned online-classwork and if you need assistance, you should contact your class teachers…we are all in this together and they will be happy to help you!
We are in Changchun, in North East China.
I think the most important advice is to put things in to perspective. For me (and I’m sure for most people) the biggest issue has not been the virus, but the effect of closures of services, malls, and shops as well as the general difficulty and requirements of of living in China at this time.
My advice to families and students is to try to get something positive out this situation, learn something new, start some exercise (Tai Chi perhaps), read a book or watch some movies. Keep in contact with family outside of China, as they will worry based on watching their News channels and media.
Students….remember to focus on your assigned online-classwork and if you need assistance, you should contact your class teachers…we are all in this together and they will be happy to help you!
This has truly been a unique situation for our family since it is our first year in China. We had several friends and family members ask us about leaving and going back to the States. Honestly, we don’t feel that we need to leave. It seems to us the government is doing everything it can to take precautions and the school has been very forthcoming in sharing all of the necessary information. We feel safe at the moment and do not feel the need to leave China.
We have been taking advantage of being home with our family to spend quality time together. We play board games, watch movies, and read books together. We were hoping to spend the break getting out and seeing a bit more of Wuxi, but as it is with the current situation we have not been able to do that. We do have a nice walking path near our apartment and have been able to get out for walks and bike rides. That has really helped to break up our day. It has been difficult for our children to understand why they have to wear masks and can’t have anyone come into our compound. We have used this as a teaching moment and have had some very good conversations about this.
Being able to do the online schooling has helped to break up our days and give our children some more academic stimulation. Our two Secondary students have stayed busy for hours each day completing their assignments. They miss their friends and are ready to go back to school, but I think they have enjoyed getting connected back to their classes through the online learning. For the most part, we let them set their own pace with learning and so far, they are doing well keeping up with it all. Brian and I take turns working with our P1 student like other parents. It has been quite an enjoyable experience for us to work with him on his math and reading. He gets a bit tired, so we try to change up the activity every 20 minutes or so and that seems to help.
There’s one thing I really appreciate is that the students are really focusing on studying now as they don’t have any other excuse. There have been more communications between me and the students during this time. Finally we have the chance to actually listen to and be listened by each other after the communication barriers being cleared. It is never the means of communication, the willingness and the undisturbed environment are.
It’s been really tough not being able to see my BIS family and this has been a very scary time – I don’t think I’ve ever thought about my lungs as much as I have in the past 3 weeks! Through it all, people have been very supportive and I commend the government on the fast action they’ve taken. I am proud to be trusting my health to the management of people who aren’t afraid to act fast and in my interest even if I am not one of their countrymen. It’s truly comforting. But for the most part I cannot wait for life to return to normal.
Every morning I write a short note to my students on Class Dojo, acting as if I am in class. That is what we always do at school every morning.
In this note, I acknowledge the work they are doing, and tell them one thing to stay connected with the learning they have done in previous units, so their learning can stay fresh and relevant.
In the following week, I may share some personal experiences to stay strong in difficult circumstances.
This has been a very strange time for all of us so I would like to thank all of the students and parents for being very understanding. It’s been great to see all of the staff come together to keep the academic work flowing; and equally great to see the response from the students. I have been very pleased that so many of the students are continuing to do their work under these circumstances. Everyone stay safe and see you all again when this is over.
Our School Guidance Counselor, Mr. Ollie Peters, is also willing to offer psychological counselling.
This has been a very strange time for all of us so I would like to thank all of the students and parents for being very understanding. It’s been great to see all of the staff come together to keep the academic work flowing; and equally great to see the response from the students. I have been very pleased that so many of the students are continuing to do their work under these circumstances. Everyone stay safe and see you all again when this is over.