With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, more and more attention has been paid to the recycling of resources. It is urgent to protect the ecological environment and the earth. If today one can sow a seed of environmental protection in the young hearts of children, then tomorrow the earth will be much greener.
Activity 1: Recycle Waste Material
First, we encouraged the children to collect old things. During the process of collecting waste, children understood that different types of waste goods have different functions. To feel the close connection between human beings and the natural environment one needs to feel the importance of environmental protection, so that the awareness of environmental protection will be deeply planted into the hearts of young children.
Then, as they were inspired by nature, we wanted to create a colorful scroll of autumn. The materials were chosen from the children’s collection of junk.
Old bottle caps, packaging corrugated paper, paper rolls, etc.
The children divided the work and cooperated. While some do sunflowers and paint the blue sky, others make small ladybugs.
They took the small parts they had prepared and painted them into a colorful autumn picture as a whole piece of art.
These waste materials activities promoted and developed children’s creative thinking. At the same time, stimulated their interest in making toys out of waste materials, cultivated the environmental awareness of teachers and children in order to save energy, create a green campus thus featuring reading.
Activity 2: Practicing a ‘zero waste’ lifestyle
Wenyi said, let us use fewer plastic bags and use school bags to buy vegetables! Brandon also raised his hand high: We can eat more fruit and fewer snacks because snacks have packaging!
Why don’t we set up a zero-waste laboratory? In the latter days, we find out little by little how to achieve a zero-garbage life.
Emma also had a question: If I go out to borrow books, what do I do?
Environmental protection and zero waste are not a slogan, we hope that one day when we leave this world, we do not add any burden to mother earth. Let us gently go, as we gently came, leaving the Earth as beautiful creation.