Mandarin Coordinator
AP Chinese Teacher
AP Chinese Language and Culture
- gives students access to perspectives and knowledge that are only available through the language and culture.
- offers students social, cultural, academic, and workplace benefits that will serve students throughout their lives.
- endows language learners with cognitive, analytical, and communication skills that carry over into many other areas of their academic studies.
Course Units
- Families and Communities – this unit talks about Family Structure/Roles within Families, Social Customs, Traditions, Values, Rites of Passage, Urban and Rural Communities and their Development, Relationships, Friendship, and Social Networking, Perspectives of Age, Ethnicity, Class, Religion, Citizenship, Social Welfare, and Social Justice.
- Personal and Public Identities – this unit talks about National and Ethnic Identities, Heroes and National Figures, Pop Culture Icons, Gender and Gender Roles, Personal Interests, Self-image and the Role of the Individual in Society, Nationalism, Patriotism, Global Identity and Responsibility.
- Beauty and Aesthetics – this unit talks about Architecture, Defining Beauty: Perspectives of Beauty Chinese Culture, Traditional and Contemporary Arts and Music, Literature, Fashion and Design, Visual and Performing Arts, Film.
- Science and Technology – this unit talks about Technology and Access to Technology, Health Care and Medicine, Climate and the Physical World, Innovations and Inventions, Effects of Science and Technology on Self and Society, Science and Ethics.
- Contemporary Life – this unit talks about Education and Careers, Lifestyles and Pop Culture, Entertainment, Sports, and Leisure, Travel, Transportation, and Tourism, Holidays and Celebrations, Food, Nutrition, and Meal-taking Culture.
- Global Challenges – this unit talks about Population and Demographics, Managing and Protecting Resources, Access to Food and Water, Environmental Issues, Economic Trends and International Trade.
One of the mind maps students made before the oral speaking.
The next week, students will be given a real-world situation in which they are going to play in different roles. Through this approach, students will understand and apply appropriate expressions in their daily life.
Assessment and Exam
The AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam assesses student understanding of the skills and learning objectives outlined in the course framework. The exam is just over 2 hours long and includes 70 multiple choice questions and 4 free-response questions.
AP Program also provides formative assessments—the Personal Progress Checks—that teachers can assign their students at the end of each unit to gauge progress toward success on the AP exam.